Tuesday, December 11, 2012

SNSD Flower Power!~


Inilah sebahagian dari tarian Flower Power SNSD nim. Agak2 berapa puluh bulan mereka ber;atih buat tarian tu? Sekali tiru mesti berbelit-belit badan...hahahha


Kalau berlatih mungkin menjadi kot...hahaha..ok lah sampai sini saja... bbye !~

Yuri Birthday!~


Dear YURI,

Saya nak ucapkan 'SELAMAT HARI LAHIR' kepada awak. Sebenarnya,saya dah post.Cuma nak edit skit hari ni..Tetiba tergerak hati nak edit.  heehehe...Kalau umur Yuri 30 tahun,mesti tetap cantik kan? Hohoho..itu bagi sayalah.. :D

Monday, December 10, 2012

Old to New!

Haha! This is an old blog actually..but my sister help me to renew this blog..
with a bit touch up and make up,nahh!~ nice or not?i don't care..=,=" hahah
so,welcome to my blog yah?and you already know that i'm a KPopper,right?

Welcome to my blog! XD pai pai..see you in the next post..^^